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For Internetional Students

2025 Academic Year
Special Course for International Students

Study Information and Guidelines for Bunkyo University in Hokkaido

② Enrollment Procedure Payment and Payment Method
Please transfer the following payment to the university's bank account during the enrollment procedure period.

Study in Japan Special Course 2025

Category Admission Fee Payment
Admission Fee Special Course for International Students 100,000 JPY

Note 1: The remitter's name must be listed as the foreign student.
Please enter "Examination Number" and "Remitter's Name" with a space in between.
(Example) A1A001 BUNKYO MIRAI
Note 2: The remitter is responsible for the transfer fees. Please confirm the transfer fees with the bank.

Note 3: For international transfers, intermediary bank fees and telegraphic transfer fees apply at Japanese domestic banks.
Please proceed with the payment transfer to ensure the university receives the 100,000 yen enrollment fee.
If there is a shortfall in the intermediary bank fees or telegraphic transfer fees, the difference will be collected during the payment of the first-term tuition fees. 

Note 4: Students from exchange agreement schools will be notified separately. 

③ Bank Account for Transfer  

Study in Japan Special Course 2025
English Translation 日本語標記
Bank Code : 0501 銀行コード : 0501
Branch Code : 472 支店コード : 472
Bank Name : NORTH PACIFIC BANK, LTD. ENIWA-CHUO BRANCH 銀行名 : 北洋銀行 恵庭中央支店
A/C Name : Hokkaido Bunkyo University 口座名義 : 北海道文教大学
A/C No : 3327640 口座番号 : 3327640
Address : Kogane-chuo 5-196-1, Eniwa
Hokkaido 061-1449 Japan
住所 : 北海道恵庭市黄金中央
Phone No : (0123) 34-0069 電話 : (0123) 34-0069

④ Enrollment Procedure Submission Documents

Study in Japan Special Course 2025
Submission Deadline Required Documents Required Copies Details
Admission Procedure Period Admission Guarantee Statement 1 Sealed in the specified university format.
Admission Procedure Period Certificate of Student Status with Photo 1 Submit image data.
- Size: vertical 4 cm x horizontal 3 cm
- Must be a front-facing upper-body photo.
- Taken within the last 3 months.
- Passport photos only, no smartphone selfies.
Admission Procedure Period Proof of Occupation for Financial Sponsor 1 No specific format required.
Orientation Foreign Student Adjustment Sheet 1 Submission method will be provided separately.
Orientation Copy of Residence Card 1 After arriving in Japan, copy both sides and submit.
Orientation Health Check Certificate 1 Sealed in the specified university format.

"Hokkaido Bunkyo University New Student Information Site"
We will provide necessary information, such as the method for submitting your student ID photo, details about the entrance ceremony, orientation, and other important matters, on the "New Student Information Site" before enrollment.

The Process from Enrollment Procedures to Entering Japan

Study in Japan Special Course 2025
Admission Procedure
Transfer admission fee and send admission documents (International Student)
Application for Certificate of Eligibility (University)
Certificate of Eligibility Issuance (Immigration Bureau) & Issuance Notification (University)
Send Certificate of Eligibility & Admission Permit (University)
Receive Certificate of Eligibility and prepare for visa application (International Student)
Visa issuance and entry into Japan (International Student)
Admission Procedure upon Arrival in Japan (International Student)

2. First-Term Tuition Fees (Tuition, etc.) and Payment Method
The first-term tuition fees (tuition, etc.) will be paid after the issuance of the admission letter, certificate of residence status, and visa. Once the international students arrive in Japan, the university's accounting office will send the payment slip for the tuition fees, etc.

① Payment Period: It will be indicated on the payment slip. 
② Payment Method for First-Term Tuition Fees (Tuition, etc.): Please complete the procedure at the bank counter. Regarding Tuition Fees.  

Special Program for International Students

Study in Japan Special Course 2025
Category First Semester (At Admission Procedure)
Admission Fee ¥100,000
Tuition Fee ¥600,000 (Can be paid in installments for first and second semesters)
Educational Enhancement Fee ¥100,000
Laboratory/Practice Fee ¥0
Student Accident and Injury Insurance ¥1,340
Academic Liability Insurance ¥0
Total ¥801,340

International students recommended by partner institutions with exchange agreements are eligible for a 50% tuition fee reduction.
However, the tuition fee reduction for graduates of our university cannot be combined with the reduction for international students.
Specific notifications will be provided separately to students admitted from partner institutions.

3. About the Entrance CeremonyDate and Time: Scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2025.
Venue: Hokkaido Bunkyo University (5-196-1 Kogane Chuo, Eniwa City, Hokkaido).
Details will be provided on the "Hokkaido Bunkyo University New Student Information Site" (refer to P3).

4. Orientation Schedule Orientation will begin on Saturday, April 5, 2025.
Details will be provided on the "Hokkaido Bunkyo University New Student Information Site" (refer to P3).

5. Health Checkup A health checkup is conducted for all students (including second- to fourth-year students) at no cost.
For new students in the Department of Health and Nutrition, the Department of Nursing, and the Department of Rehabilitation (Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy), additional antibody tests (blood tests) for infectious diseases required for practical training will be conducted during the health checkup (no charge).
All students are required to undergo the health checkup. Results (personal information) will be available for individual viewing on a secured website (password required). Guardians should confirm the results through the student.

6. Purchase of Textbooks and Supplies for Practical Training Details about purchasing textbooks and supplies for practical training will be explained during orientation. Costs vary depending on the department and courses.

7. Student ID Cards Student ID cards will be distributed during the entrance ceremony.

8. Enrollment in Student Education and Research Accident Insurance and Additional Liability Insurance Student Education and Research Accident Insurance (Gakkensai) covers damages incurred during classes, school events, extracurricular activities, and commuting.
Additional liability insurance (Gakkenbai) covers legal damages for injuries or property damage caused by students during these activities.
All students are required to enroll in these insurances. Note that illnesses are not covered.
Details will be provided in the "Gakkensai Handbook" distributed during orientation.

9. Bedding Japanese apartments do not come with bedding. Students need to purchase their own in Japan.
Students wishing to purchase bedding in Japan should contact the International Exchange Office in advance.
A standard set (mattress, comforter, blanket, covers, pillow) costs around 15,000 yen.
The International Exchange Office assists international students with purchasing bedding and other necessities. The university will provide guidance upon admission confirmation.

10. Housing Initially, students will reside in apartments located in Eniwa City, where the university is situated.
Rent Estimate:
1DK single room: 26,000–31,000 yen/month.
2DK shared room: Approximately 46,000 yen/month.
Students can search for rooms online or request the university to arrange accommodations by contacting the International Exchange Office.
The office provides assistance for international students who may face challenges finding housing. Guidance will be provided after admission confirmation.

11. Comprehensive Housing Compensation System for International Students This system reduces the burden on guarantors required for renting housing and includes liability insurance for daily life.
By enrolling in this insurance, the mental and financial burdens on guarantors are minimized, preventing inconvenience to them.
The university offers a program where the president acts as the guarantor under the condition that students live in a rental apartment in Eniwa City and maintain enrollment.
Cost: 4,000 yen per year.
After entering Japan, students enrolling in this program will receive the necessary documents from the International Exchange Office.